Celtnet: how to make money online
Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Friday, March 31, 2006

I know that I've been silent for a few days now, but that's because I've been busy on a large-scale project, the pilot version of which goes live today. This is an 'everything you ever wanted to get out of eBay' site. Offered are searches for eBay in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, India and Ireland. Searches by keyword, by category as well as by current (local) auctions are offered. The site can be configured to work with any of the locales given above. Once the local is set then the the remainder of the site will work for the country named.

I'm also working on a way of getting searches based on common misspellings and typographic errors to work on all the eBay sites above. I have a system that works 'on the fly' but need a few more days' processing to get the asssoicated database fully populated. In about a week I aim to have this system fully working. This will allow you to find all those ads that fall off the normal eBay listings, snap them up cheap and then potentially sell them on for a profit your self! And the URL? You can find the site here: The eBay search site.

Please note, everything but the misspelling search works now, so why not give it a go?


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