Thoughts and Considerations
I must admit that I've broken my own rule of posting twice a week for the past week now. Unortunately there are only eighteen useful hours in a day and unfortunately I can't write everywhere at once.
The main reason for the quiet on this medium being that I've been rather busy on researching and writing something else. To bolster my recipes section on my site I've been researching some of the main spices used by various cultures and how these spices have been traded. As a result I now have a web page on the spice trade which details the spice trade and the influence it's had on the world from 5000 years ago to the present. Allied to this is a page giving detailing the spices themselves and what they are. These pages have taken a while to research but today they went 'live' for the first time.
What, however, I hear you ask, has this to do with this blog. Well, the reaserch is actually going to be used to create an eBook on spices, giving a history of the spice trad, a description of the plant origins for each spice and a number of recipes that show the spice off to it's best abilities.
You'll also notice that the pages are PHP scripts that also allow me to link these pages into my Amazon affiliate store so that I can recommend book dealing with the subject matter of the page. In addition, using my localization system I can poinit users to either the US or UK amazon stores, as befits their country of origin. I'm therefore providing an useful information source on the website, linked to Google AdSense and Amazon. The information from there will also provide a product that I can sell from my own website and which I can also supply to various eBook stores to sell for me.
As a result a little thought, some research and a fair amount of writing provides me with three independent sources of income. Not bad for a week's work!
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