Celtnet: how to make money online
Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Big ClickBank Secret

If you visit this week's release of my Celtnet WebInfo eZine then you'll see that it's dedicated to a single product that I've produced. If you're a web marketer or even if you just run a website or a Blog then this is probably the most important annuncement that you'll hear this year (maybe even next year).

ClickBank is a source of literally thousands of electronic products for sale. All are available for instant download and are backed by ClickBank's 8-week money-back guarantee. As most products sell for $30 and affiliate payments average at 55% this could be a lucrative source of income for anyone with a website. However, the barrier to anyone actually being able to make an income from ClickBank is absolutely huge. Clickbank itself operates as a means of putting vendors and potential affiliates together in one place. As such the information provided by ClickBank is affiliate-centric rather than sales centric. This is a real problem as you simply can't take ClickBank's data feed and produce useful product information from it. The only way to do this is to place all ClickBank's information in a database and then to supplement this with product information either produced by screen scrapes or by actually visiting every vendor site and writing the descriptions by hand.

In my ClickBank Marketplace this is precisely what I did. The products there have images crafted by hand and descriptions crafted by hand. This is a long and hard job, but once the information is in the database it's simply a matter of updating. Now I had what was probably the best ClickBank search system on the web. Which was great, for me. But what if I could provide that functionality for everyone?

This led me to produce my Free ClickBank Search Code page which allows anyone with a ClickBank nickname (which you can get free free by following this link to deploy the search form on their website or blog. Anyone making a search is re-directed to my marketplace site, but all links and products shown get your ClickBank nickname in them. This means that you get the affiliate commission for any sale made.

This was good and it was a step towards achieving what I wanted. But it wasn't everything I wanted to achieve. Possibly the best marketing system out there at the moment is Google's AdSense network which provides contextual ads to a website. What if I could deliver something similar for Clickbank? After all AdSense pays tens of cents and ClickBank could potentially pay tens of dollars. A fair amount of work led to the ClickBank Contextual Ad Creator page Basically it's a form where you enter your ClickBank nickname then you select an ad size and style, pick a ClickBank category for your ads (or use your own keywords) then chose the colour for your ads. Once this is done all that you need to do is to click a button and you get to see the ad you've created as well as getting the code you need to plug into your website for the ad to be displayed. All this is done automatically for you and as you provide your ClickBank nickname any sales made from the products displayed are, once again, credited to your ClickBank account. Even better as ClickBank products retain for an average of $30 any you typically get 60% of this as Affiliate Commissions this can be a lot more lucrative than Google's AdSense. The ads are created dynaically so a new set of ads will be displayed on each page refresh and they are automatically updated as my ClickBank database is updated. I'd just created an ad-generation system that anyone with a website could deploy and take the income from. The barrier to anyone making an income from the internet has just been very dramatically lowered.

This was wonderful, but what if you had free hosting or were on a Blog that did not allow such ads to be displayed, or if you didn't want to queer the pitch with Google by displaying any other contextual ad system on your web pages. Well, there was a solution: ClickBank RSS feed generator. Like the ClickBank Contextual Ad Creator what you get is a form that allows you to input your ClickBank nickname and to chose a category or sub-category of ClickBank for your feed (you can also use your own keywords). Pressing the button generates the feed and you get your personal feed URL at the bottom of the page. This is unique to the feed you just created and it allows the feed to be generated on the fly (you can create multiple feeds on different topics). Just copy the URL and paste it into your favorite aggregator in the back-end of your website or Blog. This allows you to add ClickBank ads to places where you normally couldn't so just about anyone can monetize their entire on-line presence with ClickBank.

Between these products you have the complete solution to monetizing your website with ClickBank and as you can chose the topic of your ads (you can even use your own keywords) you can customize the ads to your site and even generate multiple ads and multiple RSS feeds to suit different areas of your website. Basically this is the complete ClickBank ads system and it's all completely free to you.

Now, here's where I should tell you what's in this for me. Obviously I make all the sales from anyone coming to my website directly. But I also make 8% of all sales referred by anyone else. This is becuase I have code that automatically and randomly assigns 8% of all products shown to my ClickBank nickname. This still means that you make 92% of all sales. Remember that all the work to provide this system has been done by me and the work is done by my code and on my website. I'm only asking this small percentage (all other systems, which you have to pay to join ask for 15% or even 20%) because the money goes to supporting my 'Help Stefan Campaign' charity. I've been forced to do this as the response to this campaign has been so poor. Maybe by offering free incomes to all webmasters I can kick-start the campaign.

Remember, all you have to do is to visit my website, grab the code and deploy it on your own website. You can get further information from my ClickBank Ads page. Then visit the pages above to get the appropriate code and systems for you. The rest is entirely up to you and I hope that you will use my code for your own internet success.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Need information on Monetizing your site? Search for the product for you now:

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ClickBank Search System Released

If you've noticed the search box at the top of this page then you may have realized that I've added something significant to this blog. Indeed, this is why my announcement of the latest October 23rd release of the Celtnet eZine is a little late. Indeed, that release of the eZine is entirely dedicated to a major piece of work that I've been involved in.

Over the past few weeks I've been working on a major piece of software. This is a complete ClickBank marketplace and search system which attempts to be the 'Best in Class'. The wraps are due to come off the system now and I'm ready to release to the public. The system itself can be found at CeltNet ClickBank Marketplace. This offers all the products in ClickBank for sale with meaningful descriptions and images. I've also implemented full text searching for each product.

More than that I've made the search code publically available. You can grab the code below or your can get the code from its home at Celtnet ClickBank Marketplace Search code. You can inplement this code on your own Blog or search site. It allows you to embed your ClickBank Nickname in the search pages so that any sale you create on my website are credited to your ClickBank account. This allows you to use my hard work in producing my website to monetize your website or blog with ClickBank!

You can learn more about what I've done and how you can use my code to leverage my work to monetize your site or blog with ClickBank either on my CeltNet eZine Marketplace or in the Monetizing your Site with ClickBank article in my Celtnet Reviews Site.

Basically I've made ClickBank user friendly with a lot of hand-crafting for the genral use and you can use the code below to implement search boxes for this system in your own websites. Simply change the YourClickBankName in the code to your actual ClickBank nickname and you're ready to earn commissions (the whole affiliate pay-out in fact) by implementing the search code on your website and sending visitors to it.

Once you have your ClickBank nickname you can now simply put one of the search boxes below (I have three options for you) on your website and any sales made from your searches will be credited to your ClickBank account (the one you just set up with your nickname, above). All your need to do is to change the YourClickBankName in the code below with your own ClickBank nickname and then paste the code in your own web pages. After that you're ready to start earning money!

The various search box options are as follows:

1. Simple Search Box

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The code for this simple search is (The code works on all webistes, including Blogs and XHTML-encoded pages):

Remember to change the YourClickBankName in the code with your ClickBank nickname before using this code!

2. Search Box with Search Options

Powered by celtnet.org.uk

all words
any word
exact match

The code for this more complete search is (The code works on all webistes, including Blogs and XHTML-encoded pages):

Remember to change the YourClickBankName in the code with your ClickBank nickname before using this code!

3. Search Box with Search Selection Dropdown

Powered by celtnet.org.uk

all words
any word
exact match

The code for this fully-functional search form is (The code works on all webistes, including Blogs and XHTML-encoded pages):

Remember to change the YourClickBankName in the code with your ClickBank nickname before using this code!


As you can see this code is entirely safe, indeed I've given you the whole code for the search page. Once an user types a search term into one of these boxes and clicks on the 'submit' button they are taken to the celtnet.org.uk ClickBank search pages and your ClickBank nickname is populated in every search term that's found. Unlike other sites we also make sure that your ClickBank ID is transferred to the information page about a given product so that you have a second chance to gain a commission.

I've done all the hard work for you. All you need to do is to copy the code above, implement on your own website or blog and you're ready to earn income from ClickBank instantly. Remember that gaining 'multiple streams of income' is a key to internet marketing. Add the free ClickBank search code to your site and start earning ClickBank commissions now.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Keeping your Site Fresh

The addition of a new section, the Celtnet Affiliate Information section to the Celtnet has allowed, for the first time in ages, me to think about the site's design and how it works. I've been working on the site for several years now and the site's basically grown organically as I've added more content and more sections. Each one has had a slightly different design and a slightly different look and feel, mostly due to how my skills have grown over the years. This does mean, however, that much of the site is completely inconsistent.

Some pages are very simple, others are incredibly complex and I'm definitely not driving either traffic of clicks to large areas of the site. Basically I had lots of site real-estate that was woefully under-used. In addition I was building large databases of potentially useful content, but those databases were, at best, driving only a single page or region of my site. It was time for a complete re-think. OK, so I couldn't re-vamp the entire site over night and there was lots and lots to do.

But, if I was clever then I could kill two birds with one stone. I could continue adding the good content I needed whilst, at the same time, working on a new site design and layout. I wanted the pages to be more visually appealing, to have more places for ads at the side-bearigs and to have far more opportunity for adding dynamic content.

I came across a very nice CSS-based pattern for this a couple of weeks ago and this has now been re-coded to suit my needs and released as the basis for the Celtnet Affiliate Information. One of the worst pages in my whole site was the Celtnet Recipes home page. As this was the official portal to one of the largest and most popular areas on the entire site this was basically criminal!

As you can see, the page has now been entirely re-done (compare with the West African Recipes page for a feel of how it looked (actually it wasn't even as good as this). Now I have nice navigation tabs at the top, a navigation menu on the left and content that refreshes itself in the main windows. I can even add extra adverts to the side-bearings without drastically affecting the content. I think it's much better and this version of the web page will soon be rolled-out across the entire site.

What I also like is that the general 'look and feel' can remain consistent across the entire site but substituting a single logo (which belongs to a global site-wide family of logos) can instantly tell the visitor where on the site they are. The various regions of the site can be better linked internally, maintaining more of a discreet feel so that someone interested in mobile phones, say, can just navigate within the mobile phone region of the site. Someone visiting the recipes section only needs to look at the recipes section of the site etc yet all these distinct site regions can be tied back to the site's overall home page and master index.

This way I can keep Celtnet's Celtic region, the Recipes region and the Information region (with its medicine, information, programming, internet marketing and mobile phone sub-regions) separate but entirely linked. For the first time it will be possible to integrate the site possibly and to drive better advertising across the entire site.

This is a major change, but it shows that you should really design your site before comitting to the coding first! But I'm a programmer and an information provider rather than a designer. Ah well...

I'm also hoping that the resultant better integration within the site will increase my exposure to the search engines and my exposure to my site's visitors. I'll keep any results (both positive and negative) in this blog.

You can learn more about these changes and how they relate to SEO, web design, and keeping your visitors interested in your site on my eZine Celtnet WebInfo eZine

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Celtnet eZine Out Now

Today I want to highlight various strategies in Internet Marketing. Firstly, I'm anouncing the latest version of my Celtnet WebInfo eZine. This issue deals with an important aspect of internet marketing, how to keep visitors on your site and how to get them to return again and agai. A brief introduction to the issue follows:

Celtnet WebInfo eZine #106
Whatever else you may be doing with your website, one of the most important things you must do is to keep your content fresh. Adding new content or changing yor content keeps the indexing spiders coming back to index your site — which is good for you. But you also need to keep your content fresh for visitors. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to use somethign like an image rotator so that you have a different picture to view each time a visitor comes to your site (I tend to use rotating images and changing text, especially for article-driven areas of this site).


1. Window on the Web
2. Feature Article — The importance of Refreshing Content
3. Comment — Content is Still King
4. Business Tip — Fresh content means returning visitors

This eZine comes with several changes and updates to the site. The first of these is the release of my Celtnet eBooks Sales Site which offers eBooks for sale and also allows you to advertise your own eBooks, for free (more on this in the previous October 09 Celtnet WebInfo eZine). The second is the Celtnet Affiliate Information site which offers advice for those seeking affiliate programs, as well as a directory of availiable affiliate programs; with the intention that this will be the largest searchable and browsable repository of these campaigns on the internet.

The Celtnet WebInfo (CI) eZine is now tied into the Celtnet Affiliate Information website and the two will be working in concert. Any ads shown on the CI eZine will also be shown on the website and the CI eZine will offer affiliate tips and the latest information on affiliate programs. To celebrate this anyone signing-up to the eZine this month will get 5 free internet marketing eBooks (normally retailing at over $300!). You can sign-up using the below:

First Name:
E-Mail Address:


For a limited time, if you subscribe to our newsletter you will get 5 marketing eBooks absolutely free!

We value your privacy.

Please note that you are signin-up for the eZine and any related marketing information posts. I do not send out spam and I never, ever, sell eMail addresses to others. Your eMail address will be stored, encrypted, in our database only and will not be visible or availiable to anyone else.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

eBooks, an Essential Marketer's Resource

Whatever you may think of them, eBooks have emerged as an essential resource for internet marketers of all stamps. First of all, an eBook is an electronic product that you can package or sell. Based on the subject of the eBook you may even be able to sell it for a considerable product. An eBook is also a way of disseminating information. You can embed links in eBooks and these links could be to affiliate sites or products that you're marketing. You can also add links to your own website to promote your list-bulding efforts or areas of your site that you need to drive traffic to.

As you can see, an eBook can be an invaluable marketing tool as well as potentially being a primary product for you. But if you have created an eBook you still have the problem of get people to see and market your eBook. One way is to publish the information on Blogs like this one. You can write press releases about your product. You can write articles about your product or you can give a copy of your product to review sites such as my Celtnet Reviews site.

You can also promote your eBook through some eBok sales and publishing sites. An example of these is the Celtnet eBooks site which not-only publishes eBooks and software products for sale at knock-down prices but also allows authors to upload information about their own eBooks (and all for free). If you're interested in this service then go to Celtent eBooks Publicity. Simply sign-up and you will recieve a confirmation eMail taking you to a web page where you can upload your eBook's information. Subject to review this will be uploaded to the main database and will become part of the Celtnet eBooks site with a link back to your product page.

This gives you free advertising in a large eBooks site. An invaluable resource for your eBook marketing. All that's required is a single link back to Celtnet eBooks on one of your sites. The site also offers profit share and marketing opportunities so that you can allow Celtnet eBooks to sell the product you have for you (you will be sent any income at the end of every month by PayPal).

If you have a free eBook for marketing purposes then Celtnet eBooks or any similar site may also be a good place to submit it as the site also has free or low cost eBooks (some 2c or less) that users can easily access and download. This is a great starting point to begin the dissemination of your eBook and thus any marketing material in the eBook. It's amazing how quickly such products can begin their transmission across the internet from a single site like this.

If you want to keep as much of the profit as possible then you could think about setting-up your own eBooks sales sites. The code driving the Celtnet eBooks site is available as are packages of eBook products so that you could have your own site on the web in a matter of hours. This way you can promote your own eBook products as well as gaining residual income from selling other items through your site.

Indeed, the Celtnet eBooks is one of the cheapest sources of electronic products with resell rights on the internet and it's a great place to stock-up on electronic products that you can sell through your own site. There are even special packages of 40, 80 and 120 products that you can buy and instantly download.

With the latest code for the Celtnet eBooks you can even use PHP code snippets to provide sales butons to your eBook products on any of your web pages. This way you get tracking of those products you've sold and you get secure download pages that expire within a set amount of time so that your download pages are always safe.

I've spent a lot of time and effort on these pages to produce a quality site and it's now time that others saw the value of what I've generated.

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