Celtnet: how to make money online
Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

$1 SEO Links Description Updated

As part of my continuing campaign to Help Stefan and to make some money to help her with her Malaria and for her to be able to visit her father in Sierra Leone one last time before he dies I have added some more information on how you can help and get your website links featured for one dollar I've added some more information. Remember, the Help Stefan despite being new is already ranking well in Google (just do a search for "help stefan" to see what I mean).

If you want your website featured on this high-traffic page then a $10 donation gets you a permanent link on this page. However, this page also links to a series of pages where, for a $1 donation you get your website permanently linked. For ra $5 donation you will get a link on this page with a colour description and bold/different font so that your website stands out. Here is an example of a $1 links page.

Remember that what you're getting here are non-reciprocal links. Direct links to your website (or even an internal page of your website that's guaranteed to improve your indexing). All it will cost you is $1, just $1. Go on, help change someone's life and do your own website a favour at one and the same time. After all, for one dollar, what have you got to lose? I've spent much more than that on useless 'get rich quick' schemes.

Speaking of which, here's a campaign that you really must check out:

Can You Really Make $1,000 In 48 Hours Online?
That's the challenge we posed to 15 top notch Internet marketers like Shawn Casey, Jeff Paul and Dr. Joe Vitale. Their detailed responses provide blueprints anyone can follow. Grab these plans today so you can get started ASAP.
Click Here for More. What's better, it's free to try for a week!

Join the Gold Affiliate program:
Gold Affiliate Program - Make Money!

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Latest News

Since my last posting I've received some bad news from Africa in that Stefan is now very ill with malaria which has led to liver complicatons. If you want to learn more about what's going on, then go to Stefan's diary page on my website. Here you'll get the latest updates on how Stefan is doing and how you can help her.

Yes, I've been updating the pages of the help Stefan campaign region of the website. And all money generation efforts for the site are now going into this. If you're a webmaster then, please, go to this site and for a $1 donation to the campaign you will get a permanent link to your website on one of the one dollar links pages. Please note that these are permanent pages and you will be linked directly from them. It only costs you $1 and you will help make someone's life so much better.

I've also just completed my first major eBook. You can find details about it on the Secrets of Cooking with Spices page. A $10 donation gets you this eBook completely free; as well as giving you a permanent link to your site on the campaign's home page and all subsequent pages. Go on, you know you want to! Where else can you get a links page that helps someone else and makes their life better. The SEO opportunities here are cheap at half the price.

I'm also sellig the eBook through ClickBank at eBook Sales this sales page. And, of course there will be sales via eBay. I'm going to push this as much as possible, mostly because the money isn't going to me. So if you read this and want a recipe book, or want some cheap advertising for your own website, then please go to the help Stefan campaign home page. Everything I do in terms of attempting to generate additional web income is now going towards this campaign.

Which explains postings like this and disseminating the web page and details as widely as possible. I'll report here and on the web page as to how the campaign is going and how quickly I can get it off the ground. The reality is that this is pretty much an emergency now due to Stefan's condition and the more help I can get the better.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Latest eZine Published

The latest version of the Celtnet Information eZine has been published and this time it's all about eBay and getting more visitors to your site.

I'm still working hard on the campaign to help Stefan and Zogo:

stefan and zogo small
Help Stefan Campaign

If you can spare $1 then help support this site and change someone's life forever? Learn how and why on the Help Stefan campaign page.

Remember, if you take part in this campaign by clicking here a $1 donation gives you a permanent link to your site on the $1 links pages. $5 gives you a colour and bold link to your site. $10 gets you a permanent link to your site on the campaign's home page (you can even get your name down as a sponsor) and you get a copy of my eBook, 'Cooking with Spices'.

What have you got to lose? So why not get some more exposure, do yourself a favour and help to turn someone's life around at one and the same tome. Even if you don't want to donate or to add your site to the links pages, why not help this campaign by linking to this page: http://www.celtnet.org.uk/info/help-stefan.php . A little effort on your part will change another person's life forever.

And, in case you're wondering, yet this post is on-topic for this blog. It just happens that the opportunity this time is on my own website. All it'll cost you is $1 to get your website some exposure and what's that compared to the amount of time you'd spend on your own site? Please help your own site by making this campaign work.

Thank you


Monday, August 20, 2007

A Plea for Help and a New $1 Link Site

Yes, I'm launching a brand new link site: Help Stefan Campaign Page. Yes, it's a charity page, but rather than just asking for money (and, yes I am asking for your help) you get a chance to get a permanent link to your site for just $1. Or you can have a permanent link on the main page above for just $10. The money will go towards helping a young refugee from Sierra Leone and her son get a new life and find surviving members of ther family.

You will learn about her on that page and how you can help. And, yes I have a vested interest as I want her to become my wife. Believe me, everything you read about here there is absolutely true. Please help me rebuild her life and re-unite her with her father for perhaps the last time. You will be doing good and you will get some very cheap advertising for your own website into the bargain.

Once more, the flyer for the page is as below:

stefan and zogo small
Help Stefan Campaign

If you can spare $1 then help support this site and change someone's life forever? Learn how and why on the Help Stefan campaign page.

If you can, please link to this page on your own website. After all the more links there are to it the higher its PR and the better will be the exposure you get on the page. I'm going for a big campaign for this, after all the window of opportunity is small to help re-unite Stefan with her father who is gravely ill.

Help me, help her and help yourself into the bargain.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

A further cautionary tale.

Once more, I've been letting things slip on my website, but now I'm back taking care of things (hey, I got married and my wife is still awaiting a visa for the UK so I do have some excuse!). But to get back to the matter at hand...

If you've been reading any of my posts then you know that I'm reporting on my attempts to convert the >celtnet into a money-making venture. I've been posting odd bits and pieces here since I began and I've used this as a forum to show what I've been doing in terms of what works and what doesn't.

My website is basically divided into three parts: Celtnet which deals with Celtic deities and Celtic literature; Celtnet Information which is an information portal to information on technology and medicine and finally: Celtnet Recipes which is the recipe-associated part of my site.

As you might imagine, these parts of the website actually contain a fair amount of information, some of which is completely unique to the site. OK, so I've been posting regular articles to ezinearticles.com and that's resulted in numerous publications of those articles and quite a few back-links. It's been showing results by improving my Google rank and getting more visitors to the site. I've even posted answers to Yhoo! Answers and those have brought-in more links. But the trick I really missed was Wikipedia.

After all, if you look at just about any query in Google, what's there in the top 10? You guessed it, Wikipedia. It has an amazing google rank of 8 and if you really want your site to get good ranking and positioning then if you can get back-links off Wikipedia that's pretty amazing. If you've perused the recipe section of my site then you will see that I have a passion for African cooking. The fact that my wife's West African, and my liking for hot chillies probably helps in this respect! Anyway, on my recent trips to Senegal I've been visiting the markets and collecting samples of native herbs and spices. This has given me access to recipes and information on spices that are not on Wikipedia (and are hardly anywhere else on the web either). As a result I have articles and images of these spices and I write articles on them for Wikipedia. That way I can give back-links to my own pages as the original source (which it is) and I can also give links to recipes where those spices are used (again on my web page). This gives me two very good back-links for the price of one article. Ever since I started this I've seen my income from AdSense almost double. And with some judicious ad placement I'm getting conversions of up to 2.6% which isn't at all bad!

There's also another repository, Cunnan, a repository of Mediaeval recipes and I've started posting articles there as well. After all I have a huge range of Medieval recipes on my site. Why not use this resource as well?

The thing is, use the talents you have. I'm a writer, poet, cook and scientist and I can use all those skills to bolster my website. The aim in the end is to get visitors and to get as many of those visitors to generate income as possible. A few simple steps, if you have an information-rich website with novel content, at least, could net you big gains in terms of visitors.

I've also been trialling Kontera for additional adverts on my site. I'll check back with you as to how this preforms. Then there's Yahoo! Answers which I've been using to answer recipe-related questons and plugging varous URLs from my site in the process.

All these are more and new ways of getting my site noticed and of gaining visitors to the site.

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Importance of Thinking Ahead

I know that I haven't published for quite a while now (almost three months!) but that's partly because of personal evnets taking precedence. Yes, I do have a personal live!

In additoin I've also been working (or should I say re-working) the recipe region of my website. Previously I had static HTML pages and a small MySQL database allowing rather crude querying of those recipe pages. After about 200 entries or so, and where I had hand-crafted links between the pages simple updating became a massive chore. But I perservered, after all I'd written all those pages and the burden of changing the system seemed less than the burden of updating everything.

Eventually, of course, it became plain that to continue this way was untenable. I had to change the system to a database-based system that could be queried using php which could then be used to update the pages and create the content automaticaly. The database design took five minutes, though it tool a bit longer to re-encode my existing pages in a format that both the database and the php could use. Still after a few weeks the re-encoding was done and I could change my HTML pages to use the new system. It took a while to re-encde everything and to point the existing HTML pates to the new php-based ones. As far as the user was concerned nothing had really changed. The pages looked like they had before. But now, I could update the entire system by simply adding a new entry to the database and it was automatically propagated through the entire system.

Rather than being a chore it was now possible to update and add new content simply. Over a month I was able to more than double the total number of entries in the database, and the total number of recipes on my site. Having simple access via MySQL to all the data also allowed me to create new doorway pages to the data, such as my modern recipes listing page or the African recipes listing page or the main course listing page.

It was a great change and should have been done ages ago. It also led me to a way of accessing a MySQL database and using PHP to create a nulti-column table from the values returned. Which I will wirte-up for my code section of the website soon and I'll publish the URL and brief details here.

But to get back to the matter at hand, the salutory lesson of all this hard work is that if I'd spent a couple of days on design at the beginning of the recipe site's inception it would have saved me many months' worth of hard slog and repeating what I'd done before. Now I had a single unified database that allowed full text querying and which also allowed for easy updating and for many different, automated, entrypoints into the data. Learn the lesson that I had to learn the hard way. A few day's design at the beginning will save you many months of re-design and re-factoring when the system becomes too top-heavy to be sustained any further.