Celtnet: how to make money online
Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Expanding the Cancer Information Site

As I wrote in my previous post, I am in the process of expanding one region of my site that is currently underperforming and which should actually have considerable potential. It's also a content-based AdSense site and it's based on a topic that I know quite a lot about as I used to conduct research into brest cancer. The thing to do now is to move the site from a niche adsense site based solely on prostate cancer and mesothelioma to a broad-based cancer site. Giving information on what cancer is and accurate information on specific cancer types.

As a result I've added a new section on generic cancer information and a section on breast cancer. There is real content here, all created from my personal knowlege. But there is also borrowed material, based on grabbing RSS feeds from other sites, which bulks-up the content of the site. An example being the cancer news page.

What I'm trying to do here is to go back to the principle that 'content is king'. I'm creating real, useful, content based on my parctical knowlege of cancer biology, cancer detection and cancer treatment. This is an information site that just happens to have Google AdSense ads embedded within that real content. What I'm doing here is moving away from all that push-push-push marketing and affiliate sites by showing that AdSense can be used with sites that contain real content to actually turn a profit for those sites.

I know I'm being heretical here, but what I'm saying is that real, proper sites with useful content and information, if packaged correctly can make the webmaster a real income. It's just a question of generating sufficient content of sufficient interest to the reader that they want to visit your site. But that content needs to be about something that will pull-in visitors who are both interested in the topic you are presenting and who will actually click on the ads being presented. After all it's making money using those ads that's the name of the game here.

But if you can do it with pure white-hat techniques, and provide useful information into the bargain then you are on the side of the angels.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Using AdSense Channels

As I've already mentioned in my previous blog posts, I'm currently in the process of both analyzing, optimizing and improving the AdSense performance on my website, Celtnet, and this time it's the opportunity for AdSense channels to come under scrutiny.

Whenever you create a new AdSense Ad in Google you have the chance of assigning that ad to a new or existing channel. Where a channel can be either a single page, a directory or a grouping of similar-themed pages within your websites. I tend to base my channels on directories which, in turn, are built around pages of the same theme. This means that various regions and topics within the site can be analyzed in detail to find which are the best performing and which give me the best return on investment in terms of the time taken to write the page.

In terms of overall traffic coming to the site then my recipes section brings-in by-far the largest number of visitors and it's also the section that gives me my largest AdSense income. However, the click-throughs and the earnings per page are, as you might expect, quite low. Still, for a hobby part of the site this section is actually performing much better than I ever thought it would.

After this comes what is definitely the best-performing section of the site my Credit Card Information minisite. This has fewer visitors than just about any other part of the site, yet it manages to be my second-best earner partly because of the high adsense returns and because of the section's high click-through rate (at over 12.75% it's pretty impressive). Next comes my General Information section which, itself, has a pretty impressive click-through rate of 2.3%. Finally comes my Cancer Information region which has few visitors but a very healthy click-through rate of 20%.

Currently my worst-performing section is the eBay misspelling and ClickBank Marketplace section. I'm not sruprised at this because, as I detailed in my previous eMail, it's because I took my eye off the ball for that particular section of the site. Now that the problems encountered whilst moving the website to a new host have been fixed and/or eliminated and I'm busy re-popularizing and advertising this region of the site It's my aim to increase the traffic to these pages at least 60-fold.

However, I should mention that I'm using the eBay Misspelling Search Page to build my own little eBay empire based on buying mispelled items at a bargain price and selling them on at their real value. The whole point here is to gain as many possible different streams of income as possible.

Of couse, the work involved in performing the analysis and optimization can also be monetized, simply by using this to write an ebook on the subject which can be sold on. Precisely what I did for my eBook on How to Maximize your Web Trafffic which details the SEO techniques that I used for my own website.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Breaking the Cardinal Rule

With everything that's been happening in my life recently I didn't have much time to check my website since I moved to a new hosting package. Of course, now that I'm back on the web marketing route I find that I had broken one of the cardinal rules of web marketing 'make sure that everything on your website is working'. A quick review of my eBay and Clickbank search pages revealed that because of internal Perl permissions my eBay Misspelled Listings Search Tool wasn't giving the correct misspelling suggestions. Of course, this was easy to fix. But I had lost many months' worth of traffic, income and good will. All things that will take time and effort to put right again.

Even worse, in some respects, I had completely missed one entire database in the transition so that none of my ClickBank Search pages were working at all. Not the marketplace search itself, nor the associated ClickBank article search section. The only part of my website working was the Amazon products feed search page. But this would not really attract any visitors to the site without the other pages working, as these would be the draws to traffic.

It took me half a day to fix all the problems. But I had lost almost four months' worth of both traffic and revenue. Of course, the site now works perfectly and integrates seamlessly with Amazon. Indeed, it works better than many of the other eBay misspelling tools out there. Which was my intent all along.

Now that other events in my life, such as marriage, getting my wife and her son a visa, are almost done I'm back to using my eBay Misspelled Listings Search Tool for the purpose that I originally designed it for. That is, for finding items that are misspelled on eBay and which no-one is bidding on. These can then be purchased cheaply and re-sold for a profit!

If you want to learn more about this, then why not look at my article on the subject: http://EzineArticles.com/?Using-Misspellings-to-buy-items-Cheaply-on-eBay&id=172957 which can be found at ezinearticles.com.

And, yes, I really do make money using this technique. I've also used it to cheaply source components for building a PC as well as buying SLR camera lenses and accessories. If you want to save moeny, just as I have done, why not give the tool a go? It works for all the major English-based eBay sites and using my Internationalization System it will even detect which country/region you are from so that you automatically get your own native eBay page offered to you.

Wishing you success in your internet marketing campaigns. And, don't forget, never take your eye off the ball!

Dyfed Lloyd Evans

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Wednesday and I've just finished the day job so it's now over to my internet work and today it's the turn of that old chestnut, AdSense once more. Now, if you don't know what AdSense is, then you really shouldn't be in the internet game. But suffice it to say that it's Google's advertising system where Google delivers adverts to your site on a pay-per-click (ppc) basis. I've been writing several adsense-targeted pages and today I've generated my first master landing page to help these get indexed (this page can be found at Make Money with Adsense.

The indexing and optimization techniques I'm using for this can all be found in my e-book The Sectret to Maximizing your Web Traffic. Though I'm also using and testing completely new techniques that utilize new techniques based on AdWords to turn a profit on the pages I'm creating. The aim is to pick niches where the ppc income generated is greater that the money spent on driving traffic to these pages. As this experiment progresses I'm writing an e-book to document both my successes (and, almost importantly, any failures) and this will be published within a couple of months. So, watch this space for an announcement!

My focus now is on content and number of pages so I'll sign-off this blog by saying that using the approach above I've already doubled my adsense income this month compared to last month and that my aim is to double that income once more during the next two weeks. As always, I will keep you informed of my progress via this blog.

Today I am taking as day1 of my 'eliminate my debts' drive and this blog will report my progress, successes and failures. I have now begun on my path towards 'multiple streams of income' and the money, finally, is starting to trickle in.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Well, I know i've been away from this blog for a while now. And that's mainly because I was married last month to a wonderful lady from Senegal, West Africa. Of course, having gone through the expense of the wedding and with the expense of visa applications for my wife and her young son I now find miself strapped for cash. So I'm in the process of increasing my internet based activities. I will be commoditizing some of my applications and systems, such as the eBay misspelling and ClickBank search and Website Internationalization pages so that they can be purchased or leased by others.

I've also been intensively working on improving my rankings and site visits. This has led to a three-fold increase in both monthly traffic to my CeltNet site and a three-fold increase in my Google AdSense income each month. If you want to know how I did this, then you can get a copy of my very reasonably priced ebook on the Secret of Maximizing your Web Traffic and this will tell you everything I did so that you can repeat the formula yourselves. And believe me, it does work as I've seen the results for real on my own website.

I've also been investigating new means of getting AdSense revenue using targeted pages such as the one here: Find a New Credit Card using Google's AdWords program to drive referral traffic to the page. The results of this investigation are already being fed ino my latest ebook which should be ready for unveiling by next weekend.

I'm also moving to ClickBank as well as PayDotCom to provide my sales service for the various products.

The landing pages for these products are also in the process of being updated so that I can make after-sales offers and bump-up my email lists. After all, pre-selling and the sales of other peoples' products are a big part of success in internet marketing and I'm becoming much more professional in my attitude these days and the results of these efforts will be reported in these blogs.

I'm also beginning a new program of looking at other internet marketers' products; both to see in I an gain any tips and to see whether they are of any use to the novice internet entrepreneur. The first of these products being Ewen Cha's Autopilot Profits program which promises to 'Print 24/7 Profits For You...Automatically!' In the next week or so I will come back with a report on this product and whether it's worth investing in or not.
