Celtnet ClickBank Ads Expanded
I know that this blog has been quiet for a while now. Partly that's because I've been working had on the ClickBank part of my site. And now it's an awesome hand-crafted site with search tools, hand-annotated product descriptions, product images, search tools (which you can use on your own sites) as well as ad generation tools so you can get contextual AdSense-like Ads based on ClickBank products. The newest tool being an ad generator that embeds images along with the contextual ads. This is a real killer ad system that dramatically increases click-throughs and is available nowhere else... I now have over 1400 ad units actively being used and 250 RSS feeds in use, and that's only after 10 weeks of the system being live! Why not grab your copy of these ads today...
I've also been away visiting my wife in Senegal and presenting the Liberian community in Dakar with the money I've made from various parts of my Celtnet site as part of my Help Stefan Charity Campaign. Enough money having been gained to give two of the Liberian refugee children an education for 2008. But for this year I'm setting myself a much more challenging target: and that is to make a minimum of $10 000 for the first half of 2008 (and even more in the second half).
As a result of this I've been significantly beefing-up my ClickBank Marketplace. The site is updated every weekend now with the very latest ClickBank marketplace feed. As a result, the products and rankings in the system are guaranteed of being up-to-date. Even better, all products are instantly associated with an image of the product website and within a few days the products gain a human-edited product description. As a result the default product description from ClickBank, which is invariably affiliate-centric (saying how good the product is for Affiliates to promote). The new descriptions are all intended to describe the product and to sell it. As a result the ClickBank Marketplace search functionality is much better than ClickBank's own, especially if you're looking for a product to promote. This is why I've made the search code that drives the Celtnet ClickBank Search System available to anyone, so you can put it on your own site. You populate with your own ClickBank nickname so any sales made are credited to you.
But the real 'big thing' here are the AdSense-like contextual ads that you can create on this site. The ClickBank AdSense-like ads page allows you to generate AdSense-like contextual ads for ClickBank products. Just like adsense you can define the size and appearance of the ads. You can also define the section of ClickBank products you want your ads from, as well as defining your own keywords to return and products you need. Once you've defined your ads, a simple click of a button will produce the ad for you. You get to see an example of the ad you've created as well as getting a single line of code that you just copy and paste into your own website (exactly the same way that Google's AdSense works).
But why should you use these ads? Well, the product information is written by hand and it seeks to sell the product. The code you get links directly to the database I've created so each time the ClickBank product feed is updated your products are automatically updated as well. The script is also completely dynamic so that on each page refresh you get a completely new set of ad, again just like AdSense. Unlike AdSense, however, you only get paid when someone buys a product through you link (you define your ClickBank nickname when you create your ads sets.
The newest 'killer app' in my suite of tools is a system for creating ClickBank AdSense-like ads with Images... Here you define your ad block size and the colour scheme, but instead of getting plain text ads you also get an embedded image of the product website. It's been shown that images draw the eyes and that images also increase click-thorughs several fold. So these really could be the killer ad system for your website. Like all my other tools, it's completely free to employ and deploy and the script is dynamic so he ads change and rotate on each refresh.
To learn more about these ad systems, please go to my ClickBank Ads Generator page. There you will also learn about how you can generate ClickBank RSS feed ads so that you can mix ClickBank ads with AdSense ads or use ClickBank ads in blogs and other aggregators.
Whilst I've been away, I've been running some experiments in terms of replacing regular AdSense ads with my own ClickBank ads and mixing AdSense ads with ClickBank product RSS feeds. The results of these experiments (so far anyway) are detailed in my January 23rd eZine and it makes for very interesting reading.
But what's in it for me? I hear the cynical asking. Well, in fact, there's not that much in this for me at all. Your ClickBank 'nickname' (basically your ClickBank affiliate ID, which you can get here, free) is entered into my products so any sales made are credited to your account, rather than mine. However, what I do is that I randomly assign 8% (and not 15% or 20% like all my competitors) of all products delivered with my ClickBank ID. Any sales made with this ID are credited to my account and any proceeds go directly to fund the 'Help Stefan Charity Campaign' described above. So, not only are you getting some of the best ClickBank ad tools currently around you're also helping to support a worthwhile charity. And whilst that support continues to come in it gives me an incentive to keep updating and improving the tools that I provide for you.
Together we can become richer, so why not have a look at my tools today to see how they can improve your bottom line. Unlike other marketers and other systems you don't have to sign-up to anything to use my tools, I don't care how big or small your website is an you can use as many different ad unit sizes as you like on your pages. I believe that tools like the ones I'm providing should be made available as widely as possible and should be provided to everyone, regardless of who they are and where their site is. But, if you do find the tools useful a link back to http://www.celtnet.org.uk/auctions/marketplace.php would be appreciated!
To your continued marketing success...
Labels: clickbank ads, clickbank affiliate, clickbank income, ClickBank marketing