Using AdSense Channels
As I've already mentioned in my previous blog posts, I'm currently in the process of both analyzing, optimizing and improving the AdSense performance on my website, Celtnet, and this time it's the opportunity for AdSense channels to come under scrutiny.
Whenever you create a new AdSense Ad in Google you have the chance of assigning that ad to a new or existing channel. Where a channel can be either a single page, a directory or a grouping of similar-themed pages within your websites. I tend to base my channels on directories which, in turn, are built around pages of the same theme. This means that various regions and topics within the site can be analyzed in detail to find which are the best performing and which give me the best return on investment in terms of the time taken to write the page.
In terms of overall traffic coming to the site then my recipes section brings-in by-far the largest number of visitors and it's also the section that gives me my largest AdSense income. However, the click-throughs and the earnings per page are, as you might expect, quite low. Still, for a hobby part of the site this section is actually performing much better than I ever thought it would.
After this comes what is definitely the best-performing section of the site my Credit Card Information minisite. This has fewer visitors than just about any other part of the site, yet it manages to be my second-best earner partly because of the high adsense returns and because of the section's high click-through rate (at over 12.75% it's pretty impressive). Next comes my General Information section which, itself, has a pretty impressive click-through rate of 2.3%. Finally comes my Cancer Information region which has few visitors but a very healthy click-through rate of 20%.
Currently my worst-performing section is the eBay misspelling and ClickBank Marketplace section. I'm not sruprised at this because, as I detailed in my previous eMail, it's because I took my eye off the ball for that particular section of the site. Now that the problems encountered whilst moving the website to a new host have been fixed and/or eliminated and I'm busy re-popularizing and advertising this region of the site It's my aim to increase the traffic to these pages at least 60-fold.
However, I should mention that I'm using the eBay Misspelling Search Page to build my own little eBay empire based on buying mispelled items at a bargain price and selling them on at their real value. The whole point here is to gain as many possible different streams of income as possible.
Of couse, the work involved in performing the analysis and optimization can also be monetized, simply by using this to write an ebook on the subject which can be sold on. Precisely what I did for my eBook on How to Maximize your Web Trafffic which details the SEO techniques that I used for my own website.
Labels: adsense, advertising streams, maximize income, optimize website, optimizing clicks
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