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Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Importance of email Systems

In my previous blogs on generating my first product and the importance of having a product I've gone through the journey of creating an internet-based product before creating and then making that product available.

Today the journey approaches its conclusion as I discuss marketing the product, in particular eMail marketing with autoresponders. After looking at the market and what was available I finally decided to go with followingup.com who seem to have a fair monthly price, allow you to define up to a hundred outgoing messages for every campaign you have. As a result they can more than cater for my current needs and have significant room for future expansion.

But why the sudden rush to get an autoresponder up and running you may ask... Well, one of the best ways to get someone interested in a product is to entice them with a give-away. I've already done this with the eBook The Secrets to Maximizing your Web Traffic itself by bundling other products along with it. For an information product, however, the easiest thing to tive away is information. So I've created a five-day course to send out to anyone who signs-up for it that supplies tasters of the eBook, some real, useful, information and plenty of reminders that my eBook still exists. This way I grow my eMail list and provide interested visitors with plenty of chances to sign up for my product. A win-win situation.

Just think of what an autoresponder could do for your business and keep plugging away at your marketing efforts.


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