Celtnet: how to make money online
Internet Marketing Make Money Online

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Keepint the Momentum going

Today's post is all about perhaps the most difficult aspect of making money from the internet: keeping the momentum going. It's the usual story — you've been busy adding content and generating a flurry of content. You've added AdSense advertisements to your various pages and you're getting a trickle income. Buoyed by this you've started adding more content and affiliate pages to your site. You may even have minisites on your domain that target visitors to a given topic or keyword set. Maybe you've started an AdWords campaign to drive more traffic to your various pages.

Then the rot begins to set in. Though you're adding more pages you're not getting a significant increase in AdSense income and the rich pickings from your affiliate pages just aren't coming in. So you get disheartened and your momentum drops off. You begn to watch the various statistics in Google or your Affiliate partners' web pages rather than generating more content for your site. And, day by day, as little or nothing happens the disillusionment sets in.

Just remember that internet marketing isn't an overnight solution to your financial worries. There's no 'get rich quick' strategy out there that works. Rather, you have to work at it and you need to use all the tools at your disposal to improve your income. Read my Maximize your Web Traffic eBook to optimize your site and gain more incoming links and more visitors (this is precisely the same system I've researched and employed to increase traffic to this website three-fold in the past two months and I'm seeing traffic gains month-on-month).

I also strongly urge you to visit the Adwords Secrets page as the information here will jump-start any AdWords campaign you may be considering. Everything and anything you can do to drive traffic to your site is money in your pocket.

For this reason I aim on adding at least one page to my website every day (the real aim is five) and I aim to bring these web pages to the attention of the indexing engines by publishing this Blog at least every other day and by writing a publishable article to an article site at least every other day as well.

Personally I use ezinearticles.com for this purpose but I admit that I need to join other article sites so that I can submit at least one article a day.

In addition to this I also need to add at least one Affiliate-based page to my site every day. Today's being the Celtic Rings Information Page. It should also be noted that this page, with its reliance on images also uses novel CSS (cascating style sheet) code rather than HTML tables for the image layout. This code will be published as a page at Celtnet CSS Image Placement and this code will also form the basis of a new article on this technology. After all images and links are the basis of just about any successful affiliate campaign.

As a semi-professional photographer who used to make money from his photography I also intend to use this technology along with a shopping cart to make various images I have available through the web. Thus giving me an additional income based on stock photography.

Today's lesson is: whatever may be happening to you in terms of your internet marketing career don't get disheartened. The more you diversify and the more you keep on plugging along: both in terms of adding new content to your site, making sure you take advantage of all the free advertising resources available to you and adding new methods of generating income to your site.

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